Chips/Systems AI Framework
Pre-built Models Configured 3X Faster at 1/2 Cost
Type a la carte General models across fields Company-specific Chips/Systems AI
Complexity Stitching
Company-specific Chips/Systems AI
Analytics Slow & Mediocre Generic State-of-the-Art
Allocation Engine Chips/Boards/Systems specific
Extensibility Code specific to one problem only Black-box Highly configurable
Support & Maintenance Internal staff re-prioritized
(support staff changes)
Internal staff re-prioritized
(support staff changes)
Requires less support & maint.
(SaaS includes upg + support)
Scalability Expanding requirements
- cannot incorporate new parts
- parallelism, compute, storage
Expanding requirements
- cannot incorporate new parts
- parallelism, compute, storage
Scalable & Integrated
- adds new parts automatically
- highly configurable
Resource Capability Need broad skillsets
- business domain skills
- technical (parallelization)
Need broad skillsets
- business domain skills
- technical (parallelization)
Enterprise-ready System
UI, analytics, data engineering,
auto-build, deployment
Time & Costs 3X of SumOpti 3X of SumOpti 3X faster at 1/2 the costs
Final Performance Performance uncertain 20 min-to-hours Seconds